J.O.B Is The Best Tube Rider In The World, There I Said it…

It’s that never ending debate here in the Garage office, who is the best tube rider in the world? And after hours of inappropriate work place banter, we all eventually come to a mutual agreement, then someone drops a mental clip to throw a spanner in the works (thanks Nathan Florence), then, again the debate begins John John, No..Kelly, No..Bruce, Nup It’s JOB.

So, temporarily until the next debate (probably tomorrow) J.O.B is the best tube rider in the world…There I said it!

Here’s why.

1. He pulls in at Chopes….On fire.

Images via Redbull Content Pool

2. He makes barrels at the Newport Wedge. It’s basically a close out.

Images via Redbull Content Pool

3. He’s a Pipe Master, enough said

Images via Redbull Content Pool

Want more evidence? This Jamie O’Brien tube compilation of Indo and Hawaii should get me across the line, for now. I had to dig deep for this one, featured in Jack McCoy’s ‘A Deeper Shade Of Blue”.

Once you watch the clip, you should probably watch it again, the double barrel is ridic! J.O.B is R.A.D 

Check out ‘A Deeper Shade Of Blue’ in full over a Garage premium for a surf history lesson.