REVIEW | Mt St Elias – perilous ski mountaineering


A still from the multi-award winning ski-mountaineering film Mount St Elias – the only mountain that can you can ski from summit to sea level. The serenity of this image belies the devastating and dangerous forces these alpinists faced both on the way up North America’s second highest peak, and on the way back down (the only descent on earth that can be ridden the whole way to the ocean at the foot of the mountain).


Easily one of the most dramatic and awe-inspiring films in the entire Garage library, Mt St Elias follows three of the world’s greatest ski mountaineers to the Mount St. Elias in their attempt to realize the longest ski descent in the world.


Set against the backdrop of Alaska’s dangerous beauty, Mount St. Elias is about a visionary borderline experience where unparalleled physical and mental pressure pushes them to the absolute limit.


Austrian ski mountaineers Axel Naglich and Peter Ressmann as well as the American freeski mountaineer Jon Jonhston find themselves in puristic situations, in which heroism cannot easily be distinguished from folly – situations which can only be mastered if reason is supposedly abandoned and in which courage as well as trust in their own abilities and last but not least luck are used as guidelines.


A movie about men who accept mountains as a challenge, Mount St Elias is a must see film for all ski mountaineers and enthusiasts, Watch it now on Garage Entertainment.




Mount St Elias has won a truckload of awards, including the following:
