Finless Surfing And Sharky Line-ups With Derek Hynd

Via SWELL Cinema

Remember that time Mick Fanning was nearly taken out by a shark during the final at J-Bay against Julian Wilson…Remember? Of course you remember, it’s engraved in our minds and just the thought of it makes you quiver. Martin Potters shriek for the jetskis assistance across the loud speaker will echo in our ears for eternity.

What an eventful and emotional day – Julian risked life and limb to paddle to Mick’s aid, the water photographer shooting the event was left dangling like fresh bait, the heartfelt interview with Mick and Julian after it all unfolded and then there was Derek Hynd, Derek was the fella that paddled out in the eerie, empty line up just hours after and stroked into a handful of screamers whilst onlooker jaws dropped.

Here’s the footage, check out the finless beast he is riding, maybe the shark sized him up and thought ‘F@% that’.