Occy Encounters Huge Shark In Western Australia, Watch How He Avoids Being Attacked

There’s nothing fun about sighting a shark whilst in the water….at all, if you’ve ever been on the end of a shark scare you know the feeling. Occy, Pat-O, Donavan and Benji Weatherly become victims of a shark encounter in Western Australia in Drive Thru Australia 2. Occy’s How-to on avoiding a shark attack method ‘stick together, makes us look bigger’, what a genius. Keep your eyes peeled for the shark behind Donavan’s first wave, then again whilst Benji is paddling, it’s Sh#t your pants scary!

 From classic Taylor Steele /Greg Browning Drive Thru series, now playing on Garage.

P R O X I M I T Y – A film by Taylor Steele is available to rent first & exclusive on Garage!!

Proximity follows eight of the world’s best surfers – four legends and four rising stars – as they search for new waves and deeper understanding in exotic destinations.