Aaron ‘Jaws’ Homoki Attempts The Loop


Of the numerous hammers Tony Hawk has landed in his lifetime, the loop is surely up there with the most insane. 

Recently, Thrasher Magazine’s ‘King of the Road’ video series took place. For those who aren’t familiar with KOTR, it’s an annual event held by Thrasher in which a select group of skate teams embark on a road trip across America, attempting to complete various scavenger hunt-like challenges along the way. 

On this years KOTR one of the challenges was to land the loop that Tony Hawk did back in the 90s. The Birdhouse team stepped up to the challenge, putting forth their team stuntman Aaron “Jaws” Homoki, who’s well known for attempting some of the gnarliest tricks in skateboarding history. And as Tony Hawk is the founder of Birdhouse, it only seems fitting that someone from his team be the one to do it.