The Funnest Wedge We’ve Ever Laid Eyes On

The Wedge, potentially the funnest form of wave ever invented by Huey the wave god…Way more fun than the ‘Slab’, or ‘reef break’, depending on it’s sharpness.

The Wedge brings multiple joys, easy jump off (the wave needs a cliff or shelf to bounce off, after all), the occasional sideways wave to get you in early (as seen in this clip), the punchy take off once the sideways wave meets regular wave and most importantly and very rarely not, a huge launch ramp down the line you can take to the skies, once you’ve navigated through all of the above.

Kalani Robb, Donovon Frankenreiter, Pat O’Connell and friends find themselves in the Caribbean surfing possibly the funnest Wedge we’ve laid eyes on.

Clip featured in Drive Thru Caribbean, playing now on Garage:

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