Wingsuit Flying Banned In Chamonix, France


Wingsuit flying has officially been banned in Chamonix, France following the death of a wingsuit pilot there last Monday. This incident is just one of five wingsuiting fatalities in the past year alone in Chamonix.

Last week’s incident raised particular concern as the wingsuiter – a native of Russia – crashed into a recently constructed chalet. Although no one else was injured, it could have been much worse. “We can’t consider that flying over inhabited zones is something that’s normal, when they’re putting residents at risk,” mayor Eric Fournier said.

Chamonix is a centre for outdoor and action sports in Europe, and is one of the world’s top wingsuiting destinations. The ban is not permanent, however it is in place for at least the next six months.


It’s no surprise that Chamonix is a popular destination for wingsuiting. Check out the movie Wingmen below, which features a proximity flight in Chamonix, showcasing its breathtaking beauty.